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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non risus nec mi pellentesque tristique.

Employing your children over the summer holidays

Chantal Baker, is the director and founder of Champ Consultants Ltd, an accountancy and tax consultancy practice in Caterham.We are nearly approaching the summer holidays and those of us with our own business who have children may want to consider employing our...

What is the Flat Rate Scheme for VAT?

Chantal Baker, is the director and founder of Champ Consultants Ltd, an accountancy and tax consultancy practice in Caterham.Whether you need to register for VAT because your turnover has reached the VAT registration threshold or because you voluntarily want to...

Landlords may be due a tax refund

Chantal Baker, is the director and founder of Champ Consultants Ltd, an accountancy and tax consultancy practice in Caterham.HMRC have confirmed that they have got it wrong. This is a huge rarity and I have never known HMRC to make such a sweeping statement. In...

Employing your children over the summer holidays

Chantal Baker, is the director and founder of Champ Consultants Ltd, an accountancy and tax consultancy practice in Caterham.We are nearly approaching the summer holidays and those of us with our own business who have children may want to consider employing our...

Employing your children over the summer holidays

Chantal Baker, is the director and founder of Champ Consultants Ltd, an accountancy and tax consultancy practice in Caterham.We are nearly approaching the summer holidays and those of us with our own business who have children may want to consider employing our...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tincidunt aliquet interdum. Nam non iaculis ante. Vestibulum vel leo eu ligula egestas volutpa.

Employing your children over the summer holidays

Chantal Baker, is the director and founder of Champ Consultants Ltd, an accountancy and tax consultancy practice in Caterham.We are nearly approaching the summer holidays and those of us with our own business who have children may want to consider employing our...

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Employing your children over the summer holidays

Chantal Baker, is the director and founder of Champ Consultants Ltd, an accountancy and tax consultancy practice in Caterham.We are nearly approaching the summer holidays and those of us with our own business who have children may want to consider employing our...

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Employing your children over the summer holidays

Chantal Baker, is the director and founder of Champ Consultants Ltd, an accountancy and tax consultancy practice in Caterham.We are nearly approaching the summer holidays and those of us with our own business who have children may want to consider employing our...

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Employing your children over the summer holidays

Chantal Baker, is the director and founder of Champ Consultants Ltd, an accountancy and tax consultancy practice in Caterham.We are nearly approaching the summer holidays and those of us with our own business who have children may want to consider employing our...

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Employing your children over the summer holidays

Chantal Baker, is the director and founder of Champ Consultants Ltd, an accountancy and tax consultancy practice in Caterham.We are nearly approaching the summer holidays and those of us with our own business who have children may want to consider employing our...

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